Do you need a trademark expert witness with tested expertise?
The brand is the most important value of a company.
What is a brand really worth when you want to sell, license or buy it? What is the damage if someone copies your brand without being asked? Have your brand expertly and seriously evaluated. Our managing director Prof. Dr. Claudia Bünte is a publicly appointed and sworn expert for the valuation of trademarks. It thus prepares expert opinions fairly, neutrally and according to scientific rules that also stand up in court. Because every brand is different, we offer a personalized, free initial consultation.
Suitable for:
- Company
- Advertising agencies
- Dishes
- Licensee
- Valuation of single brands and brand families
- Mediation in disputes with service providers and clients
- Expert evaluation of marketing and advertising services
Expert witness with expertise
Anyone can call themselves an expert – Why a publicly appointed and sworn expert (öbuv) is the best choice
Usecases of an expert witness
This is how an expert can help you. Here are typical examples of expert opinions in advertising, marketing and for brands
Your sworn expert witness
Read about the expertise that Prof. Dr. Bünte has acquired over almost 30 years